# Copyright (c) PyWhy contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Deep IV estimator and related components."""
import numpy as np
from ..._cate_estimator import BaseCateEstimator
from ...utilities import check_input_arrays, _deprecate_positional, deprecated, MissingModule
import keras
from keras import backend as K
import keras.layers as L
from keras.models import Model
except ImportError as exn:
keras = K = L = Model = MissingModule("keras and tensorflow are no longer dependencies of the main econml "
"package; install econml[tf] or econml[all] to require them, or install "
"them separately, to use DeepIV", exn)
# TODO: make sure to use random seeds wherever necessary
# TODO: make sure that the public API consistently uses "T" instead of "P" for the treatment
# unfortunately with the Theano and Tensorflow backends,
# the straightforward use of K.stop_gradient can cause an error
# because the parameters of the intermediate layers are now disconnected from the loss;
# therefore we add a pointless multiplication by 0 to the values in each of the variables in vs
# so that those layers remain connected but with 0 gradient
def _zero_grad(e, vs):
if K.backend() == 'cntk':
return K.stop_gradient(e)
z = 0 * K.sum(K.concatenate([K.batch_flatten(v) for v in vs]))
return K.stop_gradient(e) + z
def mog_model(n_components, d_x, d_t):
Create a mixture of Gaussians model with the specified number of components.
n_components : int
The number of components in the mixture model
d_x : int
The number of dimensions in the layer used as input
d_t : int
The number of dimensions in the output
A Keras model that takes an input of dimension `d_t` and generates three outputs: pi, mu, and sigma
x = L.Input((d_x,))
pi = L.Dense(n_components, activation='softmax')(x)
mu = L.Reshape((n_components, d_t))(L.Dense(n_components * d_t)(x))
log_sig = L.Dense(n_components)(x)
sig = L.Lambda(K.exp)(log_sig)
return Model([x], [pi, mu, sig])
def mog_loss_model(n_components, d_t):
Create a Keras model that computes the loss of a mixture of Gaussians model on data.
n_components : int
The number of components in the mixture model
d_t : int
The number of dimensions in the output
A Keras model that takes as inputs pi, mu, sigma, and t and generates a single output containing the loss.
pi = L.Input((n_components,))
mu = L.Input((n_components, d_t))
sig = L.Input((n_components,))
t = L.Input((d_t,))
# || t - mu_i || ^2
d2 = L.Lambda(lambda d: K.sum(K.square(d), axis=-1),
L.Subtract()([L.RepeatVector(n_components)(t), mu])
# LL = C - log(sum(pi_i/sig^d * exp(-d2/(2*sig^2))))
# Use logsumexp for numeric stability:
# LL = C - log(sum(exp(-d2/(2*sig^2) + log(pi_i/sig^d))))
# TODO: does the numeric stability actually make any difference?
def make_logloss(d2, sig, pi):
return -K.logsumexp(-d2 / (2 * K.square(sig)) + K.log(pi / K.pow(sig, d_t)), axis=-1)
ll = L.Lambda(lambda dsp: make_logloss(*dsp), output_shape=(1,))([d2, sig, pi])
m = Model([pi, mu, sig, t], [ll])
return m
def mog_sample_model(n_components, d_t):
Create a model that generates samples from a mixture of Gaussians.
n_components : int
The number of components in the mixture model
d_t : int
The number of dimensions in the output
A Keras model that takes as inputs pi, mu, and sigma, and generates a single output containing a sample.
pi = L.Input((n_components,))
mu = L.Input((n_components, d_t))
sig = L.Input((n_components,))
# CNTK backend can't randomize across batches and doesn't implement cumsum (at least as of June 2018,
# see Known Issues on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cognitive-toolkit/Using-CNTK-with-Keras)
def sample(pi, mu, sig):
batch_size = K.shape(pi)[0]
if K.backend() == 'cntk':
# generate cumulative sum via matrix multiplication
cumsum = K.dot(pi, K.constant(np.triu(np.ones((n_components, n_components)))))
cumsum = K.cumsum(pi, 1)
cumsum_shift = K.concatenate([K.zeros_like(cumsum[:, 0:1]), cumsum])[:, :-1]
if K.backend() == 'cntk':
import cntk as C
# Generate standard uniform values in shape (batch_size,1)
# (since we can't use the dynamic batch_size with random.uniform in CNTK,
# we use uniform_like instead with an input of an appropriate shape)
rndSmp = C.random.uniform_like(pi[:, 0:1])
rndSmp = K.random_uniform((batch_size, 1))
cmp1 = K.less_equal(cumsum_shift, rndSmp)
cmp2 = K.less(rndSmp, cumsum)
# convert to floats and multiply to perform equivalent of logical AND
rndIndex = K.cast(cmp1, K.floatx()) * K.cast(cmp2, K.floatx())
if K.backend() == 'cntk':
# Generate standard normal values in shape (batch_size,1,d_t)
# (since we can't use the dynamic batch_size with random.normal in CNTK,
# we use normal_like instead with an input of an appropriate shape)
rndNorms = C.random.normal_like(mu[:, 0:1, :]) # K.random_normal((1,d_t))
rndNorms = K.random_normal((batch_size, 1, d_t))
rndVec = mu + K.expand_dims(sig) * rndNorms
# exactly one entry should be nonzero for each b,d combination; use sum to select it
return K.sum(K.expand_dims(rndIndex) * rndVec, 1)
# prevent gradient from passing through sampling
samp = L.Lambda(lambda pms: _zero_grad(sample(*pms), pms), output_shape=(d_t,))
samp.trainable = False
return Model([pi, mu, sig], samp([pi, mu, sig]))
# three options: biased or upper-bound loss require a single number of samples;
# unbiased can take different numbers for the network and its gradient
def response_loss_model(h, p, d_z, d_x, d_y, samples=1, use_upper_bound=False, gradient_samples=0):
Create a Keras model that computes the loss of a response model on data.
h : (tensor, tensor) -> Layer
Method for building a model of y given p and x
p : (tensor, tensor) -> Layer
Method for building a model of p given z and x
d_z : int
The number of dimensions in z
d_x : int
Tbe number of dimensions in x
d_y : int
The number of dimensions in y
samples: int
The number of samples to use
use_upper_bound : bool
Whether to use an upper bound to the true loss
(equivalent to adding a regularization penalty on the variance of h)
gradient_samples : int
The number of separate additional samples to use when calculating the gradient.
This can only be nonzero if user_upper_bound is False, in which case the gradient of
the returned loss will be an unbiased estimate of the gradient of the true loss.
A Keras model that takes as inputs z, x, and y and generates a single output containing the loss.
assert not (use_upper_bound and gradient_samples)
# sample: (() -> Layer, int) -> Layer
def sample(f, n):
assert n > 0
if n == 1:
return f()
return L.average([f() for _ in range(n)])
z, x, y = [L.Input((d,)) for d in [d_z, d_x, d_y]]
if gradient_samples:
# we want to separately sample the gradient; we use stop_gradient to treat the sampled model as constant
# the overall computation ensures that we have an interpretable loss (y-h̅(p,x))²,
# but also that the gradient is -2(y-h̅(p,x))∇h̅(p,x) with *different* samples used for each average
diff = L.subtract([y, sample(lambda: h(p(z, x), x), samples)])
grad = sample(lambda: h(p(z, x), x), gradient_samples)
def make_expr(grad, diff):
return K.stop_gradient(diff) * (K.stop_gradient(diff + 2 * grad) - 2 * grad)
expr = L.Lambda(lambda args: make_expr(*args))([grad, diff])
elif use_upper_bound:
expr = sample(lambda: L.Lambda(K.square)(L.subtract([y, h(p(z, x), x)])), samples)
expr = L.Lambda(K.square)(L.subtract([y, sample(lambda: h(p(z, x), x), samples)]))
return Model([z, x, y], [expr])
[docs]class DeepIV(BaseCateEstimator):
The Deep IV Estimator (see http://proceedings.mlr.press/v70/hartford17a/hartford17a.pdf).
n_components : int
Number of components in the mixture density network
m : (tensor, tensor) -> Layer
Method for building a Keras model that featurizes the z and x inputs
h : (tensor, tensor) -> Layer
Method for building a model of y given t and x
n_samples : int
The number of samples to use
use_upper_bound_loss : bool, optional
Whether to use an upper bound to the true loss
(equivalent to adding a regularization penalty on the variance of h).
Defaults to False.
n_gradient_samples : int, optional
The number of separate additional samples to use when calculating the gradient.
This can only be nonzero if user_upper_bound is False, in which case the gradient of
the returned loss will be an unbiased estimate of the gradient of the true loss.
Defaults to 0.
optimizer : str, optional
The optimizer to use. Defaults to "adam"
first_stage_options : dictionary, optional
The keyword arguments to pass to Keras's `fit` method when training the first stage model.
Defaults to `{"epochs": 100}`.
second_stage_options : dictionary, optional
The keyword arguments to pass to Keras's `fit` method when training the second stage model.
Defaults to `{"epochs": 100}`.
[docs] def __init__(self, *,
n_samples, use_upper_bound_loss=False, n_gradient_samples=0,
first_stage_options={"epochs": 100},
second_stage_options={"epochs": 100}):
self._n_components = n_components
self._m = m
self._h = h
self._n_samples = n_samples
self._use_upper_bound_loss = use_upper_bound_loss
self._n_gradient_samples = n_gradient_samples
self._optimizer = optimizer
self._first_stage_options = first_stage_options
self._second_stage_options = second_stage_options
[docs] @BaseCateEstimator._wrap_fit
def fit(self, Y, T, *, X, Z, inference=None):
"""Estimate the counterfactual model from data.
That is, estimate functions τ(·, ·, ·), ∂τ(·, ·).
Y: (n × d_y) matrix or vector of length n
Outcomes for each sample
T: (n × dₜ) matrix or vector of length n
Treatments for each sample
X: (n × dₓ) matrix
Features for each sample
Z: (n × d_z) matrix
Instruments for each sample
inference: str, :class:`.Inference` instance, or None
Method for performing inference. This estimator supports 'bootstrap'
(or an instance of :class:`.BootstrapInference`)
Y, T, X, Z = check_input_arrays(Y, T, X, Z)
assert 1 <= np.ndim(X) <= 2
assert 1 <= np.ndim(Z) <= 2
assert 1 <= np.ndim(T) <= 2
assert 1 <= np.ndim(Y) <= 2
assert np.shape(X)[0] == np.shape(Y)[0] == np.shape(T)[0] == np.shape(Z)[0]
# in case vectors were passed for Y or T, keep track of trailing dims for reshaping effect output
d_x, d_y, d_z, d_t = [np.shape(a)[1] if np.ndim(a) > 1 else 1 for a in [X, Y, Z, T]]
x_in, y_in, z_in, t_in = [L.Input((d,)) for d in [d_x, d_y, d_z, d_t]]
n_components = self._n_components
treatment_network = self._m(z_in, x_in)
# the dimensionality of the output of the network
# TODO: is there a more robust way to do this?
d_n = K.int_shape(treatment_network)[-1]
pi, mu, sig = mog_model(n_components, d_n, d_t)([treatment_network])
ll = mog_loss_model(n_components, d_t)([pi, mu, sig, t_in])
model = Model([z_in, x_in, t_in], [ll])
# TODO: do we need to give the user more control over other arguments to fit?
model.fit([Z, X, T], [], **self._first_stage_options)
lm = response_loss_model(lambda t, x: self._h(t, x),
lambda z, x: Model([z_in, x_in],
# subtle point: we need to build a new model each time,
# because each model encapsulates its randomness
[mog_sample_model(n_components, d_t)([pi, mu, sig])])([z, x]),
d_z, d_x, d_y,
self._n_samples, self._use_upper_bound_loss, self._n_gradient_samples)
rl = lm([z_in, x_in, y_in])
response_model = Model([z_in, x_in, y_in], [rl])
# TODO: do we need to give the user more control over other arguments to fit?
response_model.fit([Z, X, Y], [], **self._second_stage_options)
self._effect_model = Model([t_in, x_in], [self._h(t_in, x_in)])
# TODO: it seems like we need to sum over the batch because we can only apply gradient to a scalar,
# not a general tensor (because of how backprop works in every framework)
# (alternatively, we could iterate through the batch in addition to iterating through the output,
# but this seems annoying...)
# Therefore, it's important that we use a batch size of 1 when we call predict with this model
def calc_grad(t, x):
h = self._h(t, x)
all_grads = K.concatenate([g
for i in range(d_y)
for g in K.gradients(K.sum(h[:, i]), [t])])
return K.reshape(all_grads, (-1, d_y, d_t))
self._marginal_effect_model = Model([t_in, x_in], L.Lambda(lambda tx: calc_grad(*tx))([t_in, x_in]))
[docs] def effect(self, X=None, T0=0, T1=1):
Calculate the heterogeneous treatment effect τ(·,·,·).
The effect is calculated between the two treatment points
conditional on a vector of features on a set of m test samples {T0ᵢ, T1ᵢ, Xᵢ}.
T0: (m × dₜ) matrix
Base treatments for each sample
T1: (m × dₜ) matrix
Target treatments for each sample
X: (m × dₓ) matrix, optional
Features for each sample
τ: (m × d_y) matrix
Heterogeneous treatment effects on each outcome for each sample
Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array, the corresponding
singleton dimension will be collapsed (so this method will return a vector)
X, T0, T1 = check_input_arrays(X, T0, T1)
if np.ndim(T0) == 0:
T0 = np.repeat(T0, 1 if X is None else np.shape(X)[0])
if np.ndim(T1) == 0:
T1 = np.repeat(T1, 1 if X is None else np.shape(X)[0])
if X is None:
X = np.empty((np.shape(T0)[0], 0))
return (self._effect_model.predict([T1, X]) - self._effect_model.predict([T0, X])).reshape((-1,) + self._d_y)
[docs] def marginal_effect(self, T, X=None):
Calculate the marginal effect ∂τ(·, ·) around a base treatment point conditional on features.
T: (m × dₜ) matrix
Base treatments for each sample
X: (m × dₓ) matrix, optional
Features for each sample
grad_tau: (m × d_y × dₜ) array
Heterogeneous marginal effects on each outcome for each sample
Note that when Y or T is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array,
the corresponding singleton dimensions in the output will be collapsed
(e.g. if both are vectors, then the output of this method will also be a vector)
T, X = check_input_arrays(T, X)
# TODO: any way to get this to work on batches of arbitrary size?
return self._marginal_effect_model.predict([T, X], batch_size=1).reshape((-1,) + self._d_y + self._d_t)
[docs] def predict(self, T, X):
"""Predict outcomes given treatment assignments and features.
T: (m × dₜ) matrix
Base treatments for each sample
X: (m × dₓ) matrix
Features for each sample
Y: (m × d_y) matrix
Outcomes for each sample
Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array, the corresponding
singleton dimension will be collapsed (so this method will return a vector)
T, X = check_input_arrays(T, X)
return self._effect_model.predict([T, X]).reshape((-1,) + self._d_y)