Source code for econml.iv.dml._dml

# Copyright (c) PyWhy contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

"""Orthogonal IV for Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.

A Double/Orthogonal machine learning approach to estimation of heterogeneous
treatment effect with an endogenous treatment and an instrument. It
implements the DMLIV and related algorithms from the paper:

Machine Learning Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects with Instruments
Vasilis Syrgkanis, Victor Lei, Miruna Oprescu, Maggie Hei, Keith Battocchi, Greg Lewis


import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import clone
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, LogisticRegressionCV
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
from itertools import product

from ..._ortho_learner import _OrthoLearner
from ..._cate_estimator import LinearModelFinalCateEstimatorMixin, StatsModelsCateEstimatorMixin, LinearCateEstimator
from ...inference import StatsModelsInference, GenericSingleTreatmentModelFinalInference
from ...sklearn_extensions.linear_model import StatsModels2SLS, StatsModelsLinearRegression, WeightedLassoCVWrapper
from ...sklearn_extensions.model_selection import (ModelSelector, SingleModelSelector,
                                                   WeightedStratifiedKFold, get_selector)
from ...utilities import (_deprecate_positional, get_feature_names_or_default, filter_none_kwargs, add_intercept,
                          cross_product, broadcast_unit_treatments, reshape_treatmentwise_effects, shape,
                          parse_final_model_params, deprecated, Summary)
from ...dml.dml import _make_first_stage_selector, _FinalWrapper
from ...dml._rlearner import _ModelFinal
from ..._shap import _shap_explain_joint_linear_model_cate, _shap_explain_model_cate

def _combine(W, Z, n_samples):
    if Z is not None:
        Z = Z.reshape(n_samples, -1)
        return Z if W is None else np.hstack([W, Z])
    return None if W is None else W

class _OrthoIVNuisanceSelector(ModelSelector):

    def __init__(self,
                 model_y_xw: SingleModelSelector,
                 model_t_xw: SingleModelSelector,
                 model_z: SingleModelSelector,
        self._model_y_xw = model_y_xw
        self._model_t_xw = model_t_xw
        self._projection = projection
        if self._projection:
            self._model_t_xwz = model_z
            self._model_z_xw = model_z

    def train(self, is_selecting, folds, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, sample_weight=None, groups=None):
        self._model_y_xw.train(is_selecting, folds, X=X, W=W, Target=Y, sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups)
        self._model_t_xw.train(is_selecting, folds, X=X, W=W, Target=T, sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups)
        if self._projection:
            # concat W and Z
            WZ = _combine(W, Z, Y.shape[0])
            self._model_t_xwz.train(is_selecting, folds, X=X, W=WZ, Target=T,
                                    sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups)
            self._model_z_xw.train(is_selecting, folds, X=X, W=W, Target=Z, sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups)
        return self

    def score(self, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, sample_weight=None, groups=None):
        if hasattr(self._model_y_xw, 'score'):
            Y_X_score = self._model_y_xw.score(X=X, W=W, Target=Y, sample_weight=sample_weight)
            Y_X_score = None
        if hasattr(self._model_t_xw, 'score'):
            T_X_score = self._model_t_xw.score(X=X, W=W, Target=T, sample_weight=sample_weight)
            T_X_score = None
        if self._projection:
            # concat W and Z
            WZ = _combine(W, Z, Y.shape[0])
            if hasattr(self._model_t_xwz, 'score'):
                T_XZ_score = self._model_t_xwz.score(X=X, W=WZ, Target=T, sample_weight=sample_weight)
                T_XZ_score = None
            return Y_X_score, T_X_score, T_XZ_score

            if hasattr(self._model_z_xw, 'score'):
                Z_X_score = self._model_z_xw.score(X=X, W=W, Target=Z, sample_weight=sample_weight)
                Z_X_score = None
            return Y_X_score, T_X_score, Z_X_score

    def predict(self, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, sample_weight=None, groups=None):
        Y_pred = self._model_y_xw.predict(X=X, W=W)
        T_pred = self._model_t_xw.predict(X=X, W=W)

        if self._projection:
            # concat W and Z
            WZ = _combine(W, Z, Y.shape[0])
            T_proj = self._model_t_xwz.predict(X, WZ)
            Z_pred = self._model_z_xw.predict(X=X, W=W)

        if (X is None) and (W is None):  # In this case predict above returns a single row
            Y_pred = np.tile(Y_pred.reshape(1, -1), (Y.shape[0], 1))
            T_pred = np.tile(T_pred.reshape(1, -1), (T.shape[0], 1))
            if not self._projection:
                Z_pred = np.tile(Z_pred.reshape(1, -1), (Z.shape[0], 1))

        Y_res = Y - Y_pred.reshape(Y.shape)
        T_res = T - T_pred.reshape(T.shape)

        if self._projection:
            Z_res = T_proj.reshape(T.shape) - T_pred.reshape(T.shape)
            Z_res = Z - Z_pred.reshape(Z.shape)
        return Y_res, T_res, Z_res

class _OrthoIVModelFinal:
    def __init__(self, model_final, featurizer, fit_cate_intercept):
        self._model_final = clone(model_final, safe=False)
        self._original_featurizer = clone(featurizer, safe=False)
        self._fit_cate_intercept = fit_cate_intercept

        if self._fit_cate_intercept:
            add_intercept_trans = FunctionTransformer(add_intercept,
            if featurizer:
                self._featurizer = Pipeline([('featurize', self._original_featurizer),
                                             ('add_intercept', add_intercept_trans)])
                self._featurizer = add_intercept_trans
            self._featurizer = self._original_featurizer

    def _combine(self, X, T, fitting=True):
        if X is not None:
            if self._featurizer is not None:
                F = self._featurizer.fit_transform(X) if fitting else self._featurizer.transform(X)
                F = X
            if not self._fit_cate_intercept:
                raise AttributeError("Cannot have X=None and also not allow for a CATE intercept!")
            F = np.ones((T.shape[0], 1))
        return cross_product(F, T)

    def fit(self, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, nuisances=None,
            sample_weight=None, freq_weight=None, sample_var=None, groups=None):
        Y_res, T_res, Z_res = nuisances

        # Track training dimensions to see if Y or T is a vector instead of a 2-dimensional array
        self._d_t = shape(T_res)[1:]
        self._d_y = shape(Y_res)[1:]

        XT_res = self._combine(X, T_res)
        XZ_res = self._combine(X, Z_res)
        filtered_kwargs = filter_none_kwargs(sample_weight=sample_weight,
                                             freq_weight=freq_weight, sample_var=sample_var), XT_res, Y_res, **filtered_kwargs)

        return self

    def predict(self, X=None):
        X2, T = broadcast_unit_treatments(X if X is not None else np.empty((1, 0)),
                                          self._d_t[0] if self._d_t else 1)
        XT = self._combine(None if X is None else X2, T, fitting=False)
        prediction = self._model_final.predict(XT)
        return reshape_treatmentwise_effects(prediction,
                                             self._d_t, self._d_y)

    def score(self, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, nuisances=None, sample_weight=None, groups=None):
        Y_res, T_res, Z_res = nuisances
        if Y_res.ndim == 1:
            Y_res = Y_res.reshape((-1, 1))
        if T_res.ndim == 1:
            T_res = T_res.reshape((-1, 1))
        effects = self.predict(X).reshape((-1, Y_res.shape[1], T_res.shape[1]))
        Y_res_pred = np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', effects, T_res).reshape(Y_res.shape)
        if sample_weight is not None:
            return np.linalg.norm(np.average(cross_product(Z_res, Y_res - Y_res_pred), weights=sample_weight, axis=0),
            return np.linalg.norm(np.mean(cross_product(Z_res, Y_res - Y_res_pred), axis=0), ord=2)

[docs]class OrthoIV(LinearModelFinalCateEstimatorMixin, _OrthoLearner): """ Implementation of the orthogonal/double ml method for CATE estimation with IV as described in section 4.2: Double/Debiased Machine Learning for Treatment and Causal Parameters Victor Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Mert Demirer, Esther Duflo, Christian Hansen, Whitney Newey, James Robins Solve the following moment equation: .. math:: \\E[(Y-\\E[Y|X]-\\theta(X) * (T-\\E[T|X]))(Z-\\E[Z|X])] = 0 Parameters ---------- model_y_xw: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the outcome to the features and controls (:math:`\\E[Y | X, W]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_outcome` is True and a regressor otherwise model_t_xw: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the treatment to the features and controls (:math:`\\E[T | X, W]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_treatment` is True and a regressor otherwise model_t_xwz: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the treatment to the features, controls, and instrument (:math:`\\E[T | X, W, Z]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_treatment` is True and a regressor otherwise model_z_xw: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the instrument to the features and controls (:math:`\\E[Z | X, W]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_instrument` is True and a regressor otherwise projection: bool, default False If True, we fit a slight variant of OrthoIV where we use E[T|X, W, Z] as the instrument as opposed to Z, model_z_xw will be disabled; If False, model_t_xwz will be disabled. featurizer : :term:`transformer`, optional Must support fit_transform and transform. Used to create composite features in the final CATE regression. It is ignored if X is None. The final CATE will be trained on the outcome of featurizer.fit_transform(X). If featurizer=None, then CATE is trained on X. fit_cate_intercept : bool, default False Whether the linear CATE model should have a constant term. discrete_outcome: bool, default False Whether the outcome should be treated as binary discrete_treatment: bool, default False Whether the treatment values should be treated as categorical, rather than continuous, quantities treatment_featurizer : :term:`transformer`, optional Must support fit_transform and transform. Used to create composite treatment in the final CATE regression. The final CATE will be trained on the outcome of featurizer.fit_transform(T). If featurizer=None, then CATE is trained on T. discrete_instrument: bool, default False Whether the instrument values should be treated as categorical, rather than continuous, quantities categories: 'auto' or list, default 'auto' The categories to use when encoding discrete treatments (or 'auto' to use the unique sorted values). The first category will be treated as the control treatment. cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default 2 Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the default 3-fold cross-validation, - integer, to specify the number of folds. - :term:`CV splitter` - An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices. For integer/None inputs, if the treatment is discrete :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold` is used, else, :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.KFold` is used (with a random shuffle in either case). Unless an iterable is used, we call `split(concat[W, X], T)` to generate the splits. If all W, X are None, then we call `split(ones((T.shape[0], 1)), T)`. mc_iters: int, optional The number of times to rerun the first stage models to reduce the variance of the nuisances. mc_agg: {'mean', 'median'}, default 'mean' How to aggregate the nuisance value for each sample across the `mc_iters` monte carlo iterations of cross-fitting. random_state : int, RandomState instance, or None, default None If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance used by :mod:`np.random<numpy.random>`. allow_missing: bool Whether to allow missing values in W. If True, will need to supply nuisance models that can handle missing values. Examples -------- A simple example with the default models: .. testcode:: :hide: import numpy as np import scipy.special np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) .. testcode:: from econml.iv.dml import OrthoIV # Define the data generation functions def dgp(n, p, true_fn): X = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n, p)) Z = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, size=(n,)) nu = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(n,)) coef_Z = 0.8 C = np.random.binomial( 1, coef_Z * scipy.special.expit(0.4 * X[:, 0] + nu) ) # Compliers when recomended C0 = np.random.binomial( 1, 0.06 * np.ones(X.shape[0]) ) # Non-compliers when not recommended T = C * Z + C0 * (1 - Z) y = true_fn(X) * T + 2 * nu + 5 * (X[:, 3] > 0) + 0.1 * np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(n,)) return y, T, Z, X def true_heterogeneity_function(X): return 5 * X[:, 0] np.random.seed(123) y, T, Z, X = dgp(1000, 5, true_heterogeneity_function) est = OrthoIV(discrete_treatment=True, discrete_instrument=True), T=T, Z=Z, X=X) >>> est.effect(X[:3]) array([-4.28045... , 6.02945..., -2.86851...]) >>> est.effect_interval(X[:3]) (array([-7.20729..., 1.75412..., -5.20897...]), array([-1.35361..., 10.30478..., -0.52805...])) >>> est.coef_ array([ 4.51659..., 0.78512..., 0.23706..., 0.24126... , -0.47167...]) >>> est.coef__interval() (array([ 3.15602..., -0.35785..., -0.89798..., -0.90530..., -1.62445...]), array([5.87715... , 1.92810... , 1.37211..., 1.38783..., 0.68110...])) >>> est.intercept_ -0.13672... >>> est.intercept__interval() (-1.27036..., 0.99690...) """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, model_y_xw="auto", model_t_xw="auto", model_t_xwz="auto", model_z_xw="auto", projection=False, featurizer=None, fit_cate_intercept=True, discrete_outcome=False, discrete_treatment=False, treatment_featurizer=None, discrete_instrument=False, categories='auto', cv=2, mc_iters=None, mc_agg='mean', random_state=None, allow_missing=False): self.model_y_xw = clone(model_y_xw, safe=False) self.model_t_xw = clone(model_t_xw, safe=False) self.model_t_xwz = clone(model_t_xwz, safe=False) self.model_z_xw = clone(model_z_xw, safe=False) self.projection = projection self.featurizer = clone(featurizer, safe=False) self.fit_cate_intercept = fit_cate_intercept super().__init__(discrete_outcome=discrete_outcome, discrete_instrument=discrete_instrument, discrete_treatment=discrete_treatment, treatment_featurizer=treatment_featurizer, categories=categories, cv=cv, mc_iters=mc_iters, mc_agg=mc_agg, random_state=random_state, allow_missing=allow_missing)
def _gen_allowed_missing_vars(self): return ['W'] if self.allow_missing else [] def _gen_featurizer(self): return clone(self.featurizer, safe=False) def _gen_model_final(self): return StatsModels2SLS(cov_type="HC0") def _gen_ortho_learner_model_final(self): return _OrthoIVModelFinal(self._gen_model_final(), self._gen_featurizer(), self.fit_cate_intercept) def _gen_ortho_learner_model_nuisance(self): model_y = _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_y_xw, is_discrete=self.discrete_outcome, random_state=self.random_state) model_t = _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_t_xw, is_discrete=self.discrete_treatment, random_state=self.random_state) if self.projection: # train E[T|X,W,Z] model_z = _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_t_xwz, is_discrete=self.discrete_treatment, random_state=self.random_state) else: # train E[Z|X,W] # note: discrete_instrument rather than discrete_treatment in call to _make_first_stage_selector model_z = _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_z_xw, is_discrete=self.discrete_instrument, random_state=self.random_state) return _OrthoIVNuisanceSelector(model_y, model_t, model_z, self.projection)
[docs] def fit(self, Y, T, *, Z, X=None, W=None, sample_weight=None, freq_weight=None, sample_var=None, groups=None, cache_values=False, inference="auto"): """ Estimate the counterfactual model from data, i.e. estimates function :math:`\\theta(\\cdot)`. Parameters ---------- Y: (n, d_y) matrix or vector of length n Outcomes for each sample T: (n, d_t) matrix or vector of length n Treatments for each sample Z: (n, d_z) matrix Instruments for each sample X:(n, d_x) matrix, optional Features for each sample W:(n, d_w) matrix, optional Controls for each sample sample_weight : (n,) array_like, optional Individual weights for each sample. If None, it assumes equal weight. freq_weight: (n,) array_like of int, optional Weight for the observation. Observation i is treated as the mean outcome of freq_weight[i] independent observations. When ``sample_var`` is not None, this should be provided. sample_var : {(n,), (n, d_y)} nd array_like, optional Variance of the outcome(s) of the original freq_weight[i] observations that were used to compute the mean outcome represented by observation i. groups: (n,) vector, optional All rows corresponding to the same group will be kept together during splitting. If groups is not None, the `cv` argument passed to this class's initializer must support a 'groups' argument to its split method. cache_values: bool, default False Whether to cache inputs and first stage results, which will allow refitting a different final model inference: str, :class:`.Inference` instance, or None Method for performing inference. This estimator supports 'bootstrap' (or an instance of:class:`.BootstrapInference`) and 'auto' (or an instance of :class:`.LinearModelFinalInference`) Returns ------- self: OrthoIV instance """ if self.projection: assert self.model_z_xw == "auto", ("In the case of projection=True, model_z_xw will not be fitted, " "please leave it when initializing the estimator!") else: assert self.model_t_xwz == "auto", ("In the case of projection=False, model_t_xwz will not be fitted, " "please leave it when initializing the estimator!") # Replacing fit from _OrthoLearner, to reorder arguments and improve the docstring return super().fit(Y, T, X=X, W=W, Z=Z, sample_weight=sample_weight, freq_weight=freq_weight, sample_var=sample_var, groups=groups, cache_values=cache_values, inference=inference)
[docs] def refit_final(self, *, inference='auto'): return super().refit_final(inference=inference)
refit_final.__doc__ = _OrthoLearner.refit_final.__doc__
[docs] def score(self, Y, T, Z, X=None, W=None, sample_weight=None): """ Score the fitted CATE model on a new data set. Generates nuisance parameters for the new data set based on the fitted residual nuisance models created at fit time. It uses the mean prediction of the models fitted by the different crossfit folds. Then calculates the MSE of the final residual Y on residual T regression. If model_final does not have a score method, then it raises an :exc:`.AttributeError` Parameters ---------- Y: (n, d_y) matrix or vector of length n Outcomes for each sample T: (n, d_t) matrix or vector of length n Treatments for each sample Z: (n, d_z) matrix, optional Instruments for each sample X:(n, d_x) matrix, optional Features for each sample W:(n, d_w) matrix, optional Controls for each sample sample_weight:(n,) vector, optional Weights for each samples Returns ------- score: float The MSE of the final CATE model on the new data. """ # Replacing score from _OrthoLearner, to enforce Z to be required and improve the docstring return super().score(Y, T, X=X, W=W, Z=Z, sample_weight=sample_weight)
@property def featurizer_(self): """ Get the fitted featurizer. Returns ------- featurizer: object of type(`featurizer`) An instance of the fitted featurizer that was used to preprocess X in the final CATE model training. Available only when featurizer is not None and X is not None. """ return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._featurizer @property def original_featurizer(self): # NOTE: important to use the ortho_learner_model_final_ attribute instead of the # attribute so that the trained featurizer will be passed through return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._original_featurizer
[docs] def cate_feature_names(self, feature_names=None): """ Get the output feature names. Parameters ---------- feature_names: list of str of length X.shape[1] or None The names of the input features. If None and X is a dataframe, it defaults to the column names from the dataframe. Returns ------- out_feature_names: list of str or None The names of the output features :math:`\\phi(X)`, i.e. the features with respect to which the final CATE model for each treatment is linear. It is the names of the features that are associated with each entry of the :meth:`coef_` parameter. Available only when the featurizer is not None and has a method: `get_feature_names(feature_names)`. Otherwise None is returned. """ if self._d_x is None: # Handles the corner case when X=None but featurizer might be not None return None if feature_names is None: feature_names = self._input_names["feature_names"] if self.original_featurizer is None: return feature_names return get_feature_names_or_default(self.original_featurizer, feature_names)
@property def model_final_(self): # NOTE This is used by the inference methods and is more for internal use to the library return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final @property def model_cate(self): """ Get the fitted final CATE model. Returns ------- model_cate: object of type(model_final) An instance of the model_final object that was fitted after calling fit which corresponds to the constant marginal CATE model. """ return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final @property def models_y_xw(self): """ Get the fitted models for :math:`\\E[Y | X]`. Returns ------- models_y_xw: nested list of objects of type(`model_y_xw`) A nested list of instances of the `model_y_xw` object. Number of sublist equals to number of monte carlo iterations, each element in the sublist corresponds to a crossfitting fold and is the model instance that was fitted for that training fold. """ return [[mdl._model_y_xw.best_model._model for mdl in mdls] for mdls in super().models_nuisance_] @property def models_t_xw(self): """ Get the fitted models for :math:`\\E[T | X]`. Returns ------- models_t_xw: nested list of objects of type(`model_t_xw`) A nested list of instances of the `model_t_xw` object. Number of sublist equals to number of monte carlo iterations, each element in the sublist corresponds to a crossfitting fold and is the model instance that was fitted for that training fold. """ return [[mdl._model_t_xw.best_model._model for mdl in mdls] for mdls in super().models_nuisance_] @property def models_z_xw(self): """ Get the fitted models for :math:`\\E[Z | X]`. Returns ------- models_z_xw: nested list of objects of type(`model_z_xw`) A nested list of instances of the `model_z_xw` object. Number of sublist equals to number of monte carlo iterations, each element in the sublist corresponds to a crossfitting fold and is the model instance that was fitted for that training fold. """ if self.projection: raise AttributeError("Projection model is fitted for instrument! Use models_t_xwz.") return [[mdl._model_z_xw.best_model._model for mdl in mdls] for mdls in super().models_nuisance_] @property def models_t_xwz(self): """ Get the fitted models for :math:`\\E[T | X, Z]`. Returns ------- models_t_xwz: nested list of objects of type(`model_t_xwz`) A nested list of instances of the `model_t_xwz` object. Number of sublist equals to number of monte carlo iterations, each element in the sublist corresponds to a crossfitting fold and is the model instance that was fitted for that training fold. """ if not self.projection: raise AttributeError("Direct model is fitted for instrument! Use models_z_xw.") return [[mdl._model_t_xwz.best_model._model for mdl in mdls] for mdls in super().models_nuisance_] @property def nuisance_scores_y_xw(self): """ Get the scores for y_xw model on the out-of-sample training data """ return self.nuisance_scores_[0] @property def nuisance_scores_t_xw(self): """ Get the scores for t_xw model on the out-of-sample training data """ return self.nuisance_scores_[1] @property def nuisance_scores_z_xw(self): """ Get the scores for z_xw model on the out-of-sample training data """ if self.projection: raise AttributeError("Projection model is fitted for instrument! Use nuisance_scores_t_xwz.") return self.nuisance_scores_[2] @property def nuisance_scores_t_xwz(self): """ Get the scores for t_xwz model on the out-of-sample training data """ if not self.projection: raise AttributeError("Direct model is fitted for instrument! Use nuisance_scores_z_xw.") return self.nuisance_scores_[2] @property def fit_cate_intercept_(self): return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._fit_cate_intercept @property def bias_part_of_coef(self): return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._fit_cate_intercept @property def model_final(self): return self._gen_model_final() @model_final.setter def model_final(self, model): if model is not None: raise ValueError("Parameter `model_final` cannot be altered for this estimator!") @property def residuals_(self): """ A tuple (y_res, T_res,Z_res, X, W, Z), of the residuals from the first stage estimation along with the associated X, W and Z. Samples are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the input order. """ if not hasattr(self, '_cached_values'): raise AttributeError("Estimator is not fitted yet!") if self._cached_values is None: raise AttributeError("`fit` was called with `cache_values=False`. " "Set to `True` to enable residual storage.") Y_res, T_res, Z_res = self._cached_values.nuisances return Y_res, T_res, Z_res, self._cached_values.X, self._cached_values.W, self._cached_values.Z
class _BaseDMLIVNuisanceSelector(ModelSelector): """ Nuisance model fits the three models at fit time and at predict time returns :math:`Y-\\E[Y|X]` and :math:`\\E[T|X,Z]-\\E[T|X]` as residuals. """ def __init__(self, model_y_xw: ModelSelector, model_t_xw: ModelSelector, model_t_xwz: ModelSelector): self._model_y_xw = model_y_xw self._model_t_xw = model_t_xw self._model_t_xwz = model_t_xwz def train(self, is_selecting, folds, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, sample_weight=None, groups=None): self._model_y_xw.train(is_selecting, folds, X, W, Y, ** filter_none_kwargs(sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups)) self._model_t_xw.train(is_selecting, folds, X, W, T, ** filter_none_kwargs(sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups)) # concat W and Z WZ = _combine(W, Z, Y.shape[0]) self._model_t_xwz.train(is_selecting, folds, X, WZ, T, **filter_none_kwargs(sample_weight=sample_weight, groups=groups)) return self def score(self, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, sample_weight=None, groups=None): # note that groups are not passed to score because they are only used for fitting if hasattr(self._model_y_xw, 'score'): Y_X_score = self._model_y_xw.score(X, W, Y, **filter_none_kwargs(sample_weight=sample_weight)) else: Y_X_score = None if hasattr(self._model_t_xw, 'score'): T_X_score = self._model_t_xw.score(X, W, T, **filter_none_kwargs(sample_weight=sample_weight)) else: T_X_score = None if hasattr(self._model_t_xwz, 'score'): # concat W and Z WZ = _combine(W, Z, Y.shape[0]) T_XZ_score = self._model_t_xwz.score(X, WZ, T, **filter_none_kwargs(sample_weight=sample_weight)) else: T_XZ_score = None return Y_X_score, T_X_score, T_XZ_score def predict(self, Y, T, X=None, W=None, Z=None, sample_weight=None, groups=None): # note that sample_weight and groups are not passed to predict because they are only used for fitting Y_pred = self._model_y_xw.predict(X, W) # concat W and Z WZ = _combine(W, Z, Y.shape[0]) TXZ_pred = self._model_t_xwz.predict(X, WZ) TX_pred = self._model_t_xw.predict(X, W) if (X is None) and (W is None): # In this case predict above returns a single row Y_pred = np.tile(Y_pred.reshape(1, -1), (Y.shape[0], 1)) TX_pred = np.tile(TX_pred.reshape(1, -1), (T.shape[0], 1)) Y_res = Y - Y_pred.reshape(Y.shape) T_res = TXZ_pred.reshape(T.shape) - TX_pred.reshape(T.shape) return Y_res, T_res class _BaseDMLIVModelFinal(_ModelFinal): """ Final model at fit time, fits a residual on residual regression with a heterogeneous coefficient that depends on X, i.e. .. math :: Y - \\E[Y | X] = \\theta(X) \\cdot (\\E[T | X, Z] - \\E[T | X]) + \\epsilon and at predict time returns :math:`\\theta(X)`. The score method returns the MSE of this final residual on residual regression. """ pass class _BaseDMLIV(_OrthoLearner): # A helper class that access all the internal fitted objects of a DMLIV Cate Estimator. # Used by both Parametric and Non Parametric DMLIV. # override only so that we can enforce Z to be required def fit(self, Y, T, *, Z, X=None, W=None, sample_weight=None, freq_weight=None, sample_var=None, groups=None, cache_values=False, inference=None): """ Estimate the counterfactual model from data, i.e. estimates function :math:`\\theta(\\cdot)`. Parameters ---------- Y: (n, d_y) matrix or vector of length n Outcomes for each sample T: (n, d_t) matrix or vector of length n Treatments for each sample Z: (n, d_z) matrix Instruments for each sample X:(n, d_x) matrix, optional Features for each sample W: (n, d_w) matrix, optional Controls for each sample sample_weight : (n,) array_like, optional Individual weights for each sample. If None, it assumes equal weight. freq_weight: (n,) array_like of int, optional Weight for the observation. Observation i is treated as the mean outcome of freq_weight[i] independent observations. When ``sample_var`` is not None, this should be provided. sample_var : {(n,), (n, d_y)} nd array_like, optional Variance of the outcome(s) of the original freq_weight[i] observations that were used to compute the mean outcome represented by observation i. groups: (n,) vector, optional All rows corresponding to the same group will be kept together during splitting. If groups is not None, the `cv` argument passed to this class's initializer must support a 'groups' argument to its split method. cache_values: bool, default False Whether to cache inputs and first stage results, which will allow refitting a different final model inference: str, :class:`.Inference` instance, or None Method for performing inference. This estimator supports 'bootstrap' (or an instance of :class:`.BootstrapInference`) Returns ------- self """ return super().fit(Y, T, X=X, W=W, Z=Z, sample_weight=sample_weight, freq_weight=freq_weight, sample_var=sample_var, groups=groups, cache_values=cache_values, inference=inference) def score(self, Y, T, Z, X=None, W=None, sample_weight=None): """ Score the fitted CATE model on a new data set. Generates nuisance parameters for the new data set based on the fitted residual nuisance models created at fit time. It uses the mean prediction of the models fitted by the different crossfit folds. Then calculates the MSE of the final residual Y on residual T regression. If model_final does not have a score method, then it raises an :exc:`.AttributeError` Parameters ---------- Y: (n, d_y) matrix or vector of length n Outcomes for each sample T: (n, d_t) matrix or vector of length n Treatments for each sample Z: (n, d_z) matrix Instruments for each sample X:(n, d_x) matrix, optional Features for each sample W:(n, d_w) matrix, optional Controls for each sample sample_weight:(n,) vector, optional Weights for each samples Returns ------- score: float The MSE of the final CATE model on the new data. """ # Replacing score from _OrthoLearner, to enforce Z to be required and improve the docstring return super().score(Y, T, X=X, W=W, Z=Z, sample_weight=sample_weight) @property def original_featurizer(self): return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final._original_featurizer @property def featurizer_(self): # NOTE This is used by the inference methods and has to be the overall featurizer. intended # for internal use by the library return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final._featurizer @property def model_final_(self): # NOTE This is used by the inference methods and is more for internal use to the library return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final._model @property def model_cate(self): """ Get the fitted final CATE model. Returns ------- model_cate: object of type(model_final) An instance of the model_final object that was fitted after calling fit which corresponds to the constant marginal CATE model. """ return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final._model @property def models_y_xw(self): """ Get the fitted models for :math:`\\E[Y | X]`. Returns ------- models_y_xw: nested list of objects of type(`model_y_xw`) A nested list of instances of the `model_y_xw` object. Number of sublist equals to number of monte carlo iterations, each element in the sublist corresponds to a crossfitting fold and is the model instance that was fitted for that training fold. """ return [[mdl._model_y_xw.best_model._model for mdl in mdls] for mdls in super().models_nuisance_] @property def models_t_xw(self): """ Get the fitted models for :math:`\\E[T | X]`. Returns ------- models_t_xw: nested list of objects of type(`model_t_xw`) A nested list of instances of the `model_t_xw` object. Number of sublist equals to number of monte carlo iterations, each element in the sublist corresponds to a crossfitting fold and is the model instance that was fitted for that training fold. """ return [[mdl._model_t_xw.best_model._model for mdl in mdls] for mdls in super().models_nuisance_] @property def models_t_xwz(self): """ Get the fitted models for :math:`\\E[T | X, Z]`. Returns ------- models_t_xwz: nested list of objects of type(`model_t_xwz`) A nested list of instances of the `model_t_xwz` object. Number of sublist equals to number of monte carlo iterations, each element in the sublist corresponds to a crossfitting fold and is the model instance that was fitted for that training fold. """ return [[mdl._model_t_xwz.best_model._model for mdl in mdls] for mdls in super().models_nuisance_] @property def nuisance_scores_y_xw(self): """ Get the scores for y_xw model on the out-of-sample training data """ return self.nuisance_scores_[0] @property def nuisance_scores_t_xw(self): """ Get the scores for t_xw model on the out-of-sample training data """ return self.nuisance_scores_[1] @property def nuisance_scores_t_xwz(self): """ Get the scores for t_xwz model on the out-of-sample training data """ return self.nuisance_scores_[2] @property def residuals_(self): """ A tuple (y_res, T_res, X, W, Z), of the residuals from the first stage estimation along with the associated X, W and Z. Samples are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the input order. """ if not hasattr(self, '_cached_values'): raise AttributeError("Estimator is not fitted yet!") if self._cached_values is None: raise AttributeError("`fit` was called with `cache_values=False`. " "Set to `True` to enable residual storage.") Y_res, T_res = self._cached_values.nuisances return Y_res, T_res, self._cached_values.X, self._cached_values.W, self._cached_values.Z def cate_feature_names(self, feature_names=None): """ Get the output feature names. Parameters ---------- feature_names: list of str of length X.shape[1] or None The names of the input features. If None and X is a dataframe, it defaults to the column names from the dataframe. Returns ------- out_feature_names: list of str or None The names of the output features :math:`\\phi(X)`, i.e. the features with respect to which the final constant marginal CATE model is linear. It is the names of the features that are associated with each entry of the :meth:`coef_` parameter. Not available when the featurizer is not None and does not have a method: `get_feature_names(feature_names)`. Otherwise None is returned. """ if self._d_x is None: # Handles the corner case when X=None but featurizer might be not None return None if feature_names is None: feature_names = self._input_names["feature_names"] if self.original_featurizer is None: return feature_names return get_feature_names_or_default(self.original_featurizer, feature_names)
[docs]class DMLIV(_BaseDMLIV): """ The base class for parametric DMLIV estimators to estimate a CATE. It accepts three generic machine learning models as nuisance functions: 1) model_y_xw that estimates :math:`\\E[Y | X]` 2) model_t_xw that estimates :math:`\\E[T | X]` 3) model_t_xwz that estimates :math:`\\E[T | X, Z]` These are estimated in a cross-fitting manner for each sample in the training set. Then it minimizes the square loss: .. math:: \\sum_i (Y_i - \\E[Y|X_i] - \\theta(X) * (\\E[T|X_i, Z_i] - \\E[T|X_i]))^2 This loss is minimized by the model_final class, which is passed as an input. Parameters ---------- model_y_xw: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the outcome to the features and controls (:math:`\\E[Y | X, W]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_outcome` is True and a regressor otherwise model_t_xw: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the treatment to the features and controls (:math:`\\E[T | X, W]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_treatment` is True and a regressor otherwise model_t_xwz: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the treatment to the features, controls, and instrument (:math:`\\E[T | X, W, Z]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_treatment` is True and a regressor otherwise model_final : estimator (default is :class:`.StatsModelsLinearRegression`) final model that at fit time takes as input :math:`(Y-\\E[Y|X])`, :math:`(\\E[T|X,Z]-\\E[T|X])` and X and supports method predict(X) that produces the CATE at X featurizer: transformer The transformer used to featurize the raw features when fitting the final model. Must implement a `fit_transform` method. fit_cate_intercept : bool, default True Whether the linear CATE model should have a constant term. discrete_instrument: bool, default False Whether the instrument values should be treated as categorical, rather than continuous, quantities discrete_outcome: bool, default False Whether the outcome should be treated as binary discrete_treatment: bool, default False Whether the treatment values should be treated as categorical, rather than continuous, quantities treatment_featurizer : :term:`transformer`, optional Must support fit_transform and transform. Used to create composite treatment in the final CATE regression. The final CATE will be trained on the outcome of featurizer.fit_transform(T). If featurizer=None, then CATE is trained on T. categories: 'auto' or list, default 'auto' The categories to use when encoding discrete treatments (or 'auto' to use the unique sorted values). The first category will be treated as the control treatment. cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default 2 Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the default 3-fold cross-validation, - integer, to specify the number of folds. - :term:`CV splitter` - An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices. For integer/None inputs, if the treatment is discrete :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold` is used, else, :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.KFold` is used (with a random shuffle in either case). Unless an iterable is used, we call `split(concat[W, X], T)` to generate the splits. If all W, X are None, then we call `split(ones((T.shape[0], 1)), T)`. random_state : int, RandomState instance, or None, default None If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance used by :mod:`np.random<numpy.random>`. mc_iters: int, optional The number of times to rerun the first stage models to reduce the variance of the nuisances. mc_agg: {'mean', 'median'}, default 'mean' How to aggregate the nuisance value for each sample across the `mc_iters` monte carlo iterations of cross-fitting. allow_missing: bool Whether to allow missing values in X, W. If True, will need to supply nuisance models and model_final that can handle missing values. Examples -------- A simple example with the default models: .. testcode:: :hide: import numpy as np import scipy.special np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) .. testcode:: from econml.iv.dml import DMLIV # Define the data generation functions def dgp(n, p, true_fn): X = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n, p)) Z = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, size=(n,)) nu = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(n,)) coef_Z = 0.8 C = np.random.binomial( 1, coef_Z * scipy.special.expit(0.4 * X[:, 0] + nu) ) # Compliers when recomended C0 = np.random.binomial( 1, 0.06 * np.ones(X.shape[0]) ) # Non-compliers when not recommended T = C * Z + C0 * (1 - Z) y = true_fn(X) * T + 2 * nu + 5 * (X[:, 3] > 0) + 0.1 * np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(n,)) return y, T, Z, X def true_heterogeneity_function(X): return 5 * X[:, 0] np.random.seed(123) y, T, Z, X = dgp(1000, 5, true_heterogeneity_function) est = DMLIV(discrete_treatment=True, discrete_instrument=True), T=T, Z=Z, X=X) >>> est.effect(X[:3]) array([-3.83383..., 5.31902..., -2.78082...]) >>> est.coef_ array([ 4.03889..., 0.89335..., 0.12043..., 0.37958..., -0.66097...]) >>> est.intercept_ -0.18482... """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, model_y_xw="auto", model_t_xw="auto", model_t_xwz="auto", model_final=StatsModelsLinearRegression(fit_intercept=False), featurizer=None, fit_cate_intercept=True, discrete_outcome=False, discrete_treatment=False, treatment_featurizer=None, discrete_instrument=False, categories='auto', cv=2, mc_iters=None, mc_agg='mean', random_state=None, allow_missing=False): self.model_y_xw = clone(model_y_xw, safe=False) self.model_t_xw = clone(model_t_xw, safe=False) self.model_t_xwz = clone(model_t_xwz, safe=False) self.model_final = clone(model_final, safe=False) self.featurizer = clone(featurizer, safe=False) self.fit_cate_intercept = fit_cate_intercept super().__init__(discrete_outcome=discrete_outcome, discrete_treatment=discrete_treatment, treatment_featurizer=treatment_featurizer, discrete_instrument=discrete_instrument, categories=categories, cv=cv, mc_iters=mc_iters, mc_agg=mc_agg, random_state=random_state, allow_missing=allow_missing)
def _gen_featurizer(self): return clone(self.featurizer, safe=False) def _gen_model_y_xw(self): return _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_y_xw, self.discrete_outcome, self.random_state) def _gen_model_t_xw(self): return _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_t_xw, self.discrete_treatment, self.random_state) def _gen_model_t_xwz(self): return _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_t_xwz, self.discrete_treatment, self.random_state) def _gen_model_final(self): return clone(self.model_final, safe=False) def _gen_ortho_learner_model_nuisance(self): return _BaseDMLIVNuisanceSelector(self._gen_model_y_xw(), self._gen_model_t_xw(), self._gen_model_t_xwz()) def _gen_ortho_learner_model_final(self): return _BaseDMLIVModelFinal(_FinalWrapper(self._gen_model_final(), self.fit_cate_intercept, self._gen_featurizer(), False)) @property def bias_part_of_coef(self): return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final._fit_cate_intercept @property def fit_cate_intercept_(self): return self.ortho_learner_model_final_._model_final._fit_cate_intercept
[docs] def shap_values(self, X, *, feature_names=None, treatment_names=None, output_names=None, background_samples=100): if hasattr(self, "featurizer_") and self.featurizer_ is not None: X = self.featurizer_.transform(X) feature_names = self.cate_feature_names(feature_names) return _shap_explain_joint_linear_model_cate(self.model_final_, X, self._d_t, self._d_y, self.bias_part_of_coef, feature_names=feature_names, treatment_names=treatment_names, output_names=output_names, input_names=self._input_names, background_samples=background_samples)
shap_values.__doc__ = LinearCateEstimator.shap_values.__doc__ @property def coef_(self): """ The coefficients in the linear model of the constant marginal treatment effect. Returns ------- coef: (n_x,) or (n_t, n_x) or (n_y, n_t, n_x) array_like Where n_x is the number of features that enter the final model (either the dimension of X or the dimension of featurizer.fit_transform(X) if the CATE estimator has a featurizer.), n_t is the number of treatments, n_y is the number of outcomes. Dimensions are omitted if the original input was a vector and not a 2D array. For binary treatment the n_t dimension is also omitted. """ return parse_final_model_params(self.model_final_.coef_, self.model_final_.intercept_, self._d_y, self._d_t, self._d_t_in, self.bias_part_of_coef, self.fit_cate_intercept_)[0] @property def intercept_(self): """ The intercept in the linear model of the constant marginal treatment effect. Returns ------- intercept: float or (n_y,) or (n_y, n_t) array_like Where n_t is the number of treatments, n_y is the number of outcomes. Dimensions are omitted if the original input was a vector and not a 2D array. For binary treatment the n_t dimension is also omitted. """ if not self.fit_cate_intercept_: raise AttributeError("No intercept was fitted!") return parse_final_model_params(self.model_final_.coef_, self.model_final_.intercept_, self._d_y, self._d_t, self._d_t_in, self.bias_part_of_coef, self.fit_cate_intercept_)[1]
[docs] def summary(self, decimals=3, feature_names=None, treatment_names=None, output_names=None): """ The summary of coefficient and intercept in the linear model of the constant marginal treatment effect. Parameters ---------- decimals: int, default 3 Number of decimal places to round each column to. feature_names: list of str, optional The input of the feature names treatment_names: list of str, optional The names of the treatments output_names: list of str, optional The names of the outputs Returns ------- smry : Summary instance this holds the summary tables and text, which can be printed or converted to various output formats. """ # Get input names treatment_names = self.cate_treatment_names(treatment_names) output_names = self.cate_output_names(output_names) feature_names = self.cate_feature_names(feature_names) # Summary smry = Summary() extra_txt = ["<sub>A linear parametric conditional average treatment effect (CATE) model was fitted:"] if self._original_treatment_featurizer: extra_txt.append("$Y = \\Theta(X)\\cdot \\psi(T) + g(X, W) + \\epsilon$") extra_txt.append("where $\\psi(T)$ is the output of the `treatment_featurizer") extra_txt.append( "and for every outcome $i$ and featurized treatment $j$ the CATE $\\Theta_{ij}(X)$ has the form:") else: extra_txt.append("$Y = \\Theta(X)\\cdot T + g(X, W) + \\epsilon$") extra_txt.append( "where for every outcome $i$ and treatment $j$ the CATE $\\Theta_{ij}(X)$ has the form:") if self.featurizer: extra_txt.append("$\\Theta_{ij}(X) = \\phi(X)' coef_{ij} + cate\\_intercept_{ij}$") extra_txt.append("where $\\phi(X)$ is the output of the `featurizer`") else: extra_txt.append("$\\Theta_{ij}(X) = X' coef_{ij} + cate\\_intercept_{ij}$") extra_txt.append("Coefficient Results table portrays the $coef_{ij}$ parameter vector for " "each outcome $i$ and treatment $j$. " "Intercept Results table portrays the $cate\\_intercept_{ij}$ parameter.</sub>") smry.add_extra_txt(extra_txt) d_t = self._d_t[0] if self._d_t else 1 d_y = self._d_y[0] if self._d_y else 1 def _reshape_array(arr, type): if np.isscalar(arr): arr = np.array([arr]) if type == 'coefficient': arr = np.moveaxis(arr, -1, 0) arr = arr.reshape(-1, 1) return arr # coefficient try: if self.coef_.size == 0: # X is None raise AttributeError("X is None, please call intercept_inference to learn the constant!") else: coef_array = np.round(_reshape_array(self.coef_, "coefficient"), decimals) coef_headers = ["point_estimate"] if d_t > 1 and d_y > 1: index = list(product(feature_names, output_names, treatment_names)) elif d_t > 1: index = list(product(feature_names, treatment_names)) elif d_y > 1: index = list(product(feature_names, output_names)) else: index = list(product(feature_names)) coef_stubs = ["|".join(ind_value) for ind_value in index] coef_title = 'Coefficient Results' smry.add_table(coef_array, coef_headers, coef_stubs, coef_title) except Exception as e: print("Coefficient Results: ", str(e)) # intercept try: if not self.fit_cate_intercept: raise AttributeError("No intercept was fitted!") else: intercept_array = np.round(_reshape_array(self.intercept_, "intercept"), decimals) intercept_headers = ["point_estimate"] if d_t > 1 and d_y > 1: index = list(product(["cate_intercept"], output_names, treatment_names)) elif d_t > 1: index = list(product(["cate_intercept"], treatment_names)) elif d_y > 1: index = list(product(["cate_intercept"], output_names)) else: index = list(product(["cate_intercept"])) intercept_stubs = ["|".join(ind_value) for ind_value in index] intercept_title = 'CATE Intercept Results' smry.add_table(intercept_array, intercept_headers, intercept_stubs, intercept_title) except Exception as e: print("CATE Intercept Results: ", str(e)) if len(smry.tables) > 0: return smry
[docs]class NonParamDMLIV(_BaseDMLIV): """ The base class for non-parametric DMLIV that allows for an arbitrary square loss based ML method in the final stage of the DMLIV algorithm. The method has to support sample weights and the fit method has to take as input sample_weights (e.g. random forests), i.e. fit(X, y, sample_weight=None) It achieves this by re-writing the final stage square loss of the DMLIV algorithm as: .. math :: \\sum_i (\\E[T|X_i, Z_i] - \\E[T|X_i])^2 * ((Y_i - \\E[Y|X_i])/(\\E[T|X_i, Z_i] - \\E[T|X_i]) - \\theta(X))^2 Then this can be viewed as a weighted square loss regression, where the target label is .. math :: \\tilde{Y}_i = (Y_i - \\E[Y|X_i])/(\\E[T|X_i, Z_i] - \\E[T|X_i]) and each sample has a weight of .. math :: V(X_i) = (\\E[T|X_i, Z_i] - \\E[T|X_i])^2 Thus we can call any regression model with inputs: fit(X, :math:`\\tilde{Y}_i`, sample_weight= :math:`V(X_i)`) Parameters ---------- model_y_xw: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the outcome to the features and controls (:math:`\\E[Y | X, W]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_outcome` is True and a regressor otherwise model_t_xw: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the treatment to the features and controls (:math:`\\E[T | X, W]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_treatment` is True and a regressor otherwise model_t_xwz: estimator, default ``'auto'`` Determines how to fit the treatment to the features, controls, and instrument (:math:`\\E[T | X, W, Z]`). - If ``'auto'``, the model will be the best-fitting of a set of linear and forest models - Otherwise, see :ref:`model_selection` for the range of supported options; if a single model is specified it should be a classifier if `discrete_treatment` is True and a regressor otherwise model_final : estimator final model for predicting :math:`\\tilde{Y}` from X with sample weights V(X) featurizer: transformer The transformer used to featurize the raw features when fitting the final model. Must implement a `fit_transform` method. discrete_outcome: bool, default False Whether the outcome should be treated as binary discrete_treatment: bool, default False Whether the treatment values should be treated as categorical, rather than continuous, quantities treatment_featurizer : :term:`transformer`, optional Must support fit_transform and transform. Used to create composite treatment in the final CATE regression. The final CATE will be trained on the outcome of featurizer.fit_transform(T). If featurizer=None, then CATE is trained on T. discrete_instrument: bool, default False Whether the instrument values should be treated as categorical, rather than continuous, quantities categories: 'auto' or list, default 'auto' The categories to use when encoding discrete treatments (or 'auto' to use the unique sorted values). The first category will be treated as the control treatment. cv: int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default 2 Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are: - None, to use the default 3-fold cross-validation, - integer, to specify the number of folds. - :term:`CV splitter` - An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices. For integer/None inputs, if the treatment is discrete :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold` is used, else, :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.KFold` is used (with a random shuffle in either case). Unless an iterable is used, we call `split(concat[W, X], T)` to generate the splits. If all W, X are None, then we call `split(ones((T.shape[0], 1)), T)`. mc_iters: int, optional The number of times to rerun the first stage models to reduce the variance of the nuisances. mc_agg: {'mean', 'median'}, default 'mean' How to aggregate the nuisance value for each sample across the `mc_iters` monte carlo iterations of cross-fitting. random_state : int, RandomState instance, or None, default None If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the :class:`~numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState` instance used by :mod:`np.random<numpy.random>`. allow_missing: bool Whether to allow missing values in X, W. If True, will need to supply nuisance models and model_final that can handle missing values. Examples -------- A simple example: .. testcode:: :hide: import numpy as np import scipy.special np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) .. testcode:: from econml.iv.dml import NonParamDMLIV from econml.sklearn_extensions.linear_model import StatsModelsLinearRegression # Define the data generation functions def dgp(n, p, true_fn): X = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(n, p)) Z = np.random.binomial(1, 0.5, size=(n,)) nu = np.random.uniform(0, 10, size=(n,)) coef_Z = 0.8 C = np.random.binomial( 1, coef_Z * scipy.special.expit(0.4 * X[:, 0] + nu) ) # Compliers when recomended C0 = np.random.binomial( 1, 0.06 * np.ones(X.shape[0]) ) # Non-compliers when not recommended T = C * Z + C0 * (1 - Z) y = true_fn(X) * T + 2 * nu + 5 * (X[:, 3] > 0) + 0.1 * np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(n,)) return y, T, Z, X def true_heterogeneity_function(X): return 5 * X[:, 0] np.random.seed(123) y, T, Z, X = dgp(1000, 5, true_heterogeneity_function) est = NonParamDMLIV( model_final=StatsModelsLinearRegression(), discrete_treatment=True, discrete_instrument=True, cv=5 ), T=T, Z=Z, X=X) >>> est.effect(X[:3]) array([-5.98517..., 9.03610..., -3.56684...]) """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, model_y_xw="auto", model_t_xw="auto", model_t_xwz="auto", model_final, discrete_outcome=False, discrete_treatment=False, treatment_featurizer=None, discrete_instrument=False, featurizer=None, categories='auto', cv=2, mc_iters=None, mc_agg='mean', random_state=None, allow_missing=False): self.model_y_xw = clone(model_y_xw, safe=False) self.model_t_xw = clone(model_t_xw, safe=False) self.model_t_xwz = clone(model_t_xwz, safe=False) self.model_final = clone(model_final, safe=False) self.featurizer = clone(featurizer, safe=False) super().__init__(discrete_outcome=discrete_outcome, discrete_treatment=discrete_treatment, discrete_instrument=discrete_instrument, treatment_featurizer=treatment_featurizer, categories=categories, cv=cv, mc_iters=mc_iters, mc_agg=mc_agg, random_state=random_state, allow_missing=allow_missing)
def _gen_featurizer(self): return clone(self.featurizer, safe=False) def _gen_model_y_xw(self): return _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_y_xw, self.discrete_outcome, self.random_state) def _gen_model_t_xw(self): return _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_t_xw, self.discrete_treatment, self.random_state) def _gen_model_t_xwz(self): return _make_first_stage_selector(self.model_t_xwz, self.discrete_treatment, self.random_state) def _gen_model_final(self): return clone(self.model_final, safe=False) def _gen_ortho_learner_model_nuisance(self): return _BaseDMLIVNuisanceSelector(self._gen_model_y_xw(), self._gen_model_t_xw(), self._gen_model_t_xwz()) def _gen_ortho_learner_model_final(self): return _BaseDMLIVModelFinal(_FinalWrapper(self._gen_model_final(), False, self._gen_featurizer(), True))
[docs] def shap_values(self, X, *, feature_names=None, treatment_names=None, output_names=None, background_samples=100): return _shap_explain_model_cate(self.const_marginal_effect, self.model_cate, X, self._d_t, self._d_y, featurizer=self.featurizer_, feature_names=feature_names, treatment_names=treatment_names, output_names=output_names, input_names=self._input_names, background_samples=background_samples)
shap_values.__doc__ = LinearCateEstimator.shap_values.__doc__