# Copyright (c) PyWhy contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Bootstrap sampling."""
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from sklearn.base import clone
from scipy.stats import norm
from collections import OrderedDict
import pandas as pd
[docs]class BootstrapEstimator:
"""Estimator that uses bootstrap sampling to wrap an existing estimator.
This estimator provides a `fit` method with the same signature as the wrapped estimator.
The bootstrap estimator will also wrap all other methods and attributes of the wrapped estimator,
but return the average of the sampled calculations (this will fail for non-numeric outputs).
It will also provide a wrapper method suffixed with `_interval` for each method or attribute of
the wrapped estimator that takes two additional optional keyword arguments `lower` and `upper` specifiying
the percentiles of the interval, and which uses `np.percentile` to return the corresponding lower
and upper bounds based on the sampled calculations. For example, if the underlying estimator supports
an `effect` method with signature `(X,T) -> Y`, this class will provide a method `effect_interval`
with pseudo-signature `(lower=5, upper=95, X, T) -> (Y, Y)` (where `lower` and `upper` cannot be
supplied as positional arguments).
wrapped : object
The basis for the clones used for estimation.
This object must support a `fit` method which takes numpy arrays with consistent first dimensions
as arguments.
n_bootstrap_samples : int, default: 100
How many draws to perform.
n_jobs: int, default: None
The maximum number of concurrently running jobs, as in joblib.Parallel.
verbose: int, default: 0
Verbosity level
compute_means : bool, default: True
Whether to pass calls through to the underlying collection and return the mean. Setting this
to ``False`` can avoid ambiguities if the wrapped object itself has method names with an `_interval` suffix.
bootstrap_type: 'percentile', 'pivot', or 'normal', default 'pivot'
Bootstrap method used to compute results. 'percentile' will result in using the empiracal CDF of
the replicated computations of the statistics. 'pivot' will also use the replicates but create a pivot
interval that also relies on the estimate over the entire dataset. 'normal' will instead compute an interval
assuming the replicates are normally distributed.
def __init__(self, wrapped,
self._instances = [clone(wrapped, safe=False) for _ in range(n_bootstrap_samples)]
self._n_bootstrap_samples = n_bootstrap_samples
self._n_jobs = n_jobs
self._verbose = verbose
self._compute_means = compute_means
self._bootstrap_type = bootstrap_type
self._wrapped = wrapped
# TODO: Add a __dir__ implementation?
def __stratified_indices(arr):
assert 1 <= np.ndim(arr) <= 2
unique = np.unique(arr, axis=0)
indices = []
for el in unique:
ind, = np.where(np.all(arr == el, axis=1) if np.ndim(arr) == 2 else arr == el)
return indices
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **named_args):
Fit the model.
The full signature of this method is the same as that of the wrapped object's `fit` method.
from .._cate_estimator import BaseCateEstimator # need to nest this here to avoid circular import
index_chunks = None
if isinstance(self._instances[0], BaseCateEstimator):
index_chunks = self._instances[0]._strata(*args, **named_args)
if index_chunks is not None:
index_chunks = self.__stratified_indices(index_chunks)
if index_chunks is None:
n_samples = np.shape(args[0] if args else named_args[(*named_args,)[0]])[0]
index_chunks = [np.arange(n_samples)] # one chunk with all indices
indices = []
for chunk in index_chunks:
n_samples = len(chunk)
size=(self._n_bootstrap_samples, n_samples),
indices = np.hstack(indices)
def fit(x, *args, **kwargs):
x.fit(*args, **kwargs)
return x # Explicitly return x in case fit fails to return its target
def convertArg(arg, inds):
if arg is None:
return None
arr = np.asarray(arg)
if arr.ndim > 0:
return arr[inds]
else: # arg was a scalar, so we shouldn't have converted it
return arg
self._instances = Parallel(n_jobs=self._n_jobs, prefer='threads', verbose=self._verbose)(
*[convertArg(arg, inds) for arg in args],
**{arg: convertArg(named_args[arg], inds) for arg in named_args})
for obj, inds in zip(self._instances, indices)
return self
def __getattr__(self, name):
Get proxy attribute that wraps the corresponding attribute with the same name from the wrapped object.
Additionally, the suffix "_interval" is supported for getting an interval instead of a point estimate.
# don't proxy special methods
if name.startswith('__'):
raise AttributeError(name)
def proxy(make_call, name, summary):
def summarize_with(f):
results = np.array(Parallel(n_jobs=self._n_jobs, prefer='threads', verbose=self._verbose)(
(f, (obj, name), {}) for obj in self._instances)), f(self._wrapped, name)
return summary(*results)
if make_call:
def call(*args, **kwargs):
return summarize_with(lambda obj, name: getattr(obj, name)(*args, **kwargs))
return call
return summarize_with(lambda obj, name: getattr(obj, name))
def get_mean():
# for attributes that exist on the wrapped object, just compute the mean of the wrapped calls
return proxy(callable(getattr(self._instances[0], name)), name, lambda arr, _: np.mean(arr, axis=0))
def get_std():
prefix = name[: - len('_std')]
return proxy(callable(getattr(self._instances[0], prefix)), prefix,
lambda arr, _: np.std(arr, axis=0))
def get_interval():
# if the attribute exists on the wrapped object once we remove the suffix,
# then we should be computing a confidence interval for the wrapped calls
prefix = name[: - len("_interval")]
def call_with_bounds(can_call, lower, upper):
def percentile_bootstrap(arr, _):
return np.percentile(arr, lower, axis=0), np.percentile(arr, upper, axis=0)
def pivot_bootstrap(arr, est):
return 2 * est - np.percentile(arr, upper, axis=0), 2 * est - np.percentile(arr, lower, axis=0)
def normal_bootstrap(arr, est):
std = np.std(arr, axis=0)
return est - norm.ppf(upper / 100) * std, est - norm.ppf(lower / 100) * std
# TODO: studentized bootstrap? this would be more accurate in most cases but can we avoid
# second level bootstrap which would be prohibitive computationally?
fn = {'percentile': percentile_bootstrap,
'normal': normal_bootstrap,
'pivot': pivot_bootstrap}[self._bootstrap_type]
return proxy(can_call, prefix, fn)
can_call = callable(getattr(self._instances[0], prefix))
if can_call:
# collect extra arguments and pass them through, if the wrapped attribute was callable
def call(*args, lower=5, upper=95, **kwargs):
return call_with_bounds(can_call, lower, upper)(*args, **kwargs)
return call
# don't pass extra arguments if the wrapped attribute wasn't callable to begin with
def call(lower=5, upper=95):
return call_with_bounds(can_call, lower, upper)
return call
def get_inference():
# can't import from econml.inference at top level without creating cyclical dependencies
from ._inference import EmpiricalInferenceResults, NormalInferenceResults
from .._cate_estimator import LinearModelFinalCateEstimatorDiscreteMixin
prefix = name[: - len("_inference")]
def fname_transformer(x):
return x
if prefix in ['const_marginal_effect', 'marginal_effect', 'effect']:
inf_type = 'effect'
elif prefix == 'coef_':
inf_type = 'coefficient'
if (hasattr(self._instances[0], 'cate_feature_names') and
def fname_transformer(x):
return self._instances[0].cate_feature_names(x)
elif prefix == 'intercept_':
inf_type = 'intercept'
raise AttributeError("Unsupported inference: " + name)
d_t = self._wrapped._d_t[0] if self._wrapped._d_t else 1
if prefix == 'effect' or (isinstance(self._wrapped, LinearModelFinalCateEstimatorDiscreteMixin) and
(inf_type == 'coefficient' or inf_type == 'intercept')):
d_t = None
d_y = self._wrapped._d_y[0] if self._wrapped._d_y else 1
can_call = callable(getattr(self._instances[0], prefix))
kind = self._bootstrap_type
if kind == 'percentile' or kind == 'pivot':
def get_dist(est, arr):
if kind == 'percentile':
return arr
elif kind == 'pivot':
return 2 * est - arr
raise ValueError("Invalid kind, must be either 'percentile' or 'pivot'")
def get_result():
return proxy(can_call, prefix,
lambda arr, est: EmpiricalInferenceResults(
d_t=d_t, d_y=d_y,
pred=est, pred_dist=get_dist(est, arr),
# Note that inference results are always methods even if the inference is for a property
# (e.g. coef__inference() is a method but coef_ is a property)
# Therefore we must insert a lambda if getting inference for a non-callable
return get_result() if can_call else get_result
assert kind == 'normal'
def normal_inference(*args, **kwargs):
pred = getattr(self._wrapped, prefix)
if can_call:
pred = pred(*args, **kwargs)
stderr = getattr(self, prefix + '_std')
if can_call:
stderr = stderr(*args, **kwargs)
return NormalInferenceResults(
d_t=d_t, d_y=d_y, pred=pred,
pred_stderr=stderr, mean_pred_stderr=None, inf_type=inf_type,
# If inference is for a property, create a fresh lambda to avoid passing args through
return normal_inference if can_call else lambda: normal_inference()
caught = None
m = None
if name.endswith("_interval"):
m = get_interval
elif name.endswith("_std"):
m = get_std
elif name.endswith("_inference"):
m = get_inference
# try to get interval/std first if appropriate,
# since we don't prefer a wrapped method with this name
if m is not None:
return m()
except AttributeError as err:
caught = err
if self._compute_means:
return get_mean()
raise (caught if caught else AttributeError(name))