# Copyright (c) PyWhy contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import numpy as np
from sklearn import clone
from econml.utilities import check_input_arrays
from ._cate_estimator import (LinearCateEstimator, TreatmentExpansionMixin,
StatsModelsCateEstimatorMixin, StatsModelsCateEstimatorDiscreteMixin)
from .dml import LinearDML
from .inference import StatsModelsInference, StatsModelsInferenceDiscrete
from .sklearn_extensions.linear_model import StatsModelsLinearRegression
from typing import List
# TODO: This could be extended to also work with our sparse and 2SLS estimators,
# if we add an aggregate method to them
# Remember to update the docs if this changes
[docs]class FederatedEstimator(TreatmentExpansionMixin, LinearCateEstimator):
A class for federated learning using LinearDML, LinearDRIV, and LinearDRLearner estimators.
estimators : list of LinearDML, LinearDRIV, or LinearDRLearner
List of estimators to aggregate (all of the same type), which must already have
been fit.
[docs] def __init__(self, estimators: List[LinearDML]):
self.estimators = estimators
dummy_est = clone(self.estimators[0], safe=False) # used to extract various attributes later
infs = [est._inference for est in self.estimators]
assert (
all(isinstance(inf, StatsModelsInference) for inf in infs) or
all(isinstance(inf, StatsModelsInferenceDiscrete) for inf in infs)
), "All estimators must use either StatsModelsInference or StatsModelsInferenceDiscrete"
cov_types = set(inf.cov_type for inf in infs)
assert len(cov_types) == 1, f"All estimators must use the same covariance type, got {cov_types}"
if isinstance(infs[0], StatsModelsInference):
inf = StatsModelsInference(cov_type=cov_types.pop())
cate_est_type = StatsModelsCateEstimatorMixin
self.model_final_ = StatsModelsLinearRegression.aggregate([est.model_final_ for est in self.estimators])
inf.model_final = self.model_final_
inf.bias_part_of_coef = dummy_est.bias_part_of_coef
inf = StatsModelsInferenceDiscrete(cov_type=cov_types.pop())
cate_est_type = StatsModelsCateEstimatorDiscreteMixin
self.fitted_models_final = [
for models in zip(*[est.fitted_models_final for est in self.estimators])]
inf.fitted_models_final = self.fitted_models_final
# mix in the appropriate inference class
self.__class__ = type("FederatedEstimator", (FederatedEstimator, cate_est_type), {})
# assign all of the attributes from the dummy estimator that would normally be assigned during fitting
# TODO: This seems hacky; is there a better abstraction to maintain these?
# This should also include bias_part_of_coef, model_final_, and fitted_models_final above
inf.featurizer = dummy_est.featurizer_ if hasattr(dummy_est, 'featurizer_') else None
inf._est = self
self._d_t = inf._d_t = dummy_est._d_t
self._d_y = inf._d_y = dummy_est._d_y
self.d_t = inf.d_t = inf._d_t[0] if inf._d_t else 1
self.d_y = inf.d_y = inf._d_y[0] if inf._d_y else 1
self._d_t_in = inf._d_t_in = dummy_est._d_t_in
self.fit_cate_intercept_ = inf.fit_cate_intercept = dummy_est.fit_cate_intercept
self._inference = inf
# Assign treatment expansion attributes
self.transformer = dummy_est.transformer
# Methods needed to implement the LinearCateEstimator interface
[docs] def const_marginal_effect(self, X=None):
X, = check_input_arrays(X)
return self._inference.const_marginal_effect_inference(X).point_estimate
[docs] def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
This method should not be called; it is included only for compatibility with the
CATE estimation APIs
raise NotImplementedError("FederatedEstimator does not support fit")
# Methods needed to implement the LinearFinalModelCateEstimatorMixin
def bias_part_of_coef(self):
return self._inference.bias_part_of_coef