# Copyright (c) PyWhy contributors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
"""Metalearners for heterogeneous treatment effects in the context of discrete treatments.
For more details on these CATE methods, see `<https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03461>`_
(Künzel S., Sekhon J., Bickel P., Yu B.) on Arxiv.
import numpy as np
import warnings
from .._cate_estimator import BaseCateEstimator, LinearCateEstimator, TreatmentExpansionMixin
from sklearn import clone
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.utils import check_array, check_X_y
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, FunctionTransformer
from ..utilities import (check_inputs, check_models, broadcast_unit_treatments, reshape_treatmentwise_effects,
one_hot_encoder, inverse_onehot, transpose, _deprecate_positional)
from .._shap import _shap_explain_model_cate
[docs]class TLearner(TreatmentExpansionMixin, LinearCateEstimator):
"""Conditional mean regression estimator.
models : outcome estimators for both control units and treatment units
It can be a single estimator applied to all the control and treatment units or a tuple/list of
estimators with one estimator per treatment (including control).
Must implement `fit` and `predict` methods.
categories: 'auto' or list, default 'auto'
The categories to use when encoding discrete treatments (or 'auto' to use the unique sorted values).
The first category will be treated as the control treatment.
allow_missing: bool
Whether to allow missing values in X. If True, will need to supply models
that can handle missing values.
A simple example:
.. testcode::
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
.. testcode::
from econml.metalearners import TLearner
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
X = np.random.normal(size=(1000, 5))
T = np.random.binomial(1, scipy.special.expit(X[:, 0]))
y = (1 + .5*X[:, 0]) * T + X[:, 0] + np.random.normal(size=(1000,))
est = TLearner(models=LinearRegression())
est.fit(y, T, X=X)
>>> est.effect(X[:3])
array([0.58547..., 1.82860..., 0.78379...])
[docs] def __init__(self, *,
self.models = clone(models, safe=False)
self.categories = categories
self.allow_missing = allow_missing
def _gen_allowed_missing_vars(self):
return ['X'] if self.allow_missing else []
[docs] @BaseCateEstimator._wrap_fit
def fit(self, Y, T, *, X, inference=None):
"""Build an instance of TLearner.
Y : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, d_y)
Outcome(s) for the treatment policy.
T : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, 1)
Treatment policy. Only binary treatments are accepted as input.
T will be flattened if shape is (n, 1).
X : array_like, shape (n, d_x)
Feature vector that captures heterogeneity.
inference : str, :class:`.Inference` instance, or None
Method for performing inference. This estimator supports 'bootstrap'
(or an instance of :class:`.BootstrapInference`)
self : an instance of self.
# Check inputs
Y, T, X, _ = check_inputs(Y, T, X, multi_output_T=False,
force_all_finite_X='allow-nan' if 'X' in self._gen_allowed_missing_vars() else True)
categories = self.categories
if categories != 'auto':
categories = [categories] # OneHotEncoder expects a 2D array with features per column
self.transformer = one_hot_encoder(categories=categories, drop='first')
T = self.transformer.fit_transform(T.reshape(-1, 1))
self._d_t = T.shape[1:]
T = inverse_onehot(T)
self.models = check_models(self.models, self._d_t[0] + 1)
for ind in range(self._d_t[0] + 1):
self.models[ind].fit(X[T == ind], Y[T == ind])
[docs] def const_marginal_effect(self, X):
"""Calculate the constant marignal treatment effect on a vector of features for each sample.
X : matrix, shape (m × d_x)
Matrix of features for each sample.
τ_hat : matrix, shape (m, d_y, d_t)
Constant marginal CATE of each treatment on each outcome for each sample X[i].
Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array,
the corresponding singleton dimensions in the output will be collapsed
# Check inputs
X = check_array(X)
taus = []
for ind in range(self._d_t[0]):
taus.append(self.models[ind + 1].predict(X) - self.models[0].predict(X))
taus = np.column_stack(taus).reshape((-1,) + self._d_t + self._d_y) # shape as of m*d_t*d_y
if self._d_y:
taus = transpose(taus, (0, 2, 1)) # shape as of m*d_y*d_t
return taus
[docs]class SLearner(TreatmentExpansionMixin, LinearCateEstimator):
"""Conditional mean regression estimator where the treatment assignment is taken as a feature in the ML model.
overall_model : outcome estimator for all units
Model will be trained on X|T where '|' denotes concatenation.
Must implement `fit` and `predict` methods.
categories: 'auto' or list, default 'auto'
The categories to use when encoding discrete treatments (or 'auto' to use the unique sorted values).
The first category will be treated as the control treatment.
allow_missing: bool
Whether to allow missing values in X. If True, will need to supply overall_model
that can handle missing values.
A simple example:
.. testcode::
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
.. testcode::
from econml.metalearners import SLearner
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
X = np.random.normal(size=(1000, 5))
T = np.random.binomial(1, scipy.special.expit(X[:, 0]))
y = (1 + .5*X[:, 0]) * T + X[:, 0] + np.random.normal(size=(1000,))
est = SLearner(overall_model=RandomForestRegressor())
est.fit(y, T, X=X)
>>> est.effect(X[:3])
array([0.23577..., 1.62784... , 0.45946...])
[docs] def __init__(self, *,
self.overall_model = clone(overall_model, safe=False)
self.categories = categories
self.allow_missing = allow_missing
def _gen_allowed_missing_vars(self):
return ['X'] if self.allow_missing else []
[docs] @BaseCateEstimator._wrap_fit
def fit(self, Y, T, *, X=None, inference=None):
"""Build an instance of SLearner.
Y : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, d_y)
Outcome(s) for the treatment policy.
T : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, 1)
Treatment policy. Only binary treatments are accepted as input.
T will be flattened if shape is (n, 1).
X : array_like, shape (n, d_x), optional
Feature vector that captures heterogeneity.
inference: str, :class:`.Inference` instance, or None
Method for performing inference. This estimator supports 'bootstrap'
(or an instance of :class:`.BootstrapInference`)
self : an instance of self.
# Check inputs
if X is None:
X = np.zeros((Y.shape[0], 1))
Y, T, X, _ = check_inputs(Y, T, X, multi_output_T=False,
force_all_finite_X='allow-nan' if 'X' in self._gen_allowed_missing_vars() else True)
categories = self.categories
if categories != 'auto':
categories = [categories] # OneHotEncoder expects a 2D array with features per column
self.transformer = one_hot_encoder(categories=categories, drop='first')
T = self.transformer.fit_transform(T.reshape(-1, 1))
self._d_t = (T.shape[1], )
# Note: unlike other Metalearners, we need the controls' encoded column for training
# Thus, we append the controls column before the one-hot-encoded T
# We might want to revisit, though, since it's linearly determined by the others
feat_arr = np.concatenate((X, 1 - np.sum(T, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1), T), axis=1)
self.overall_model.fit(feat_arr, Y)
[docs] def const_marginal_effect(self, X=None):
"""Calculate the constant marginal treatment effect on a vector of features for each sample.
X : matrix, shape (m × dₓ), optional
Matrix of features for each sample.
τ_hat : matrix, shape (m, d_y, d_t)
Constant marginal CATE of each treatment on each outcome for each sample X[i].
Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array,
the corresponding singleton dimensions in the output will be collapsed
# Check inputs
if X is None:
X = np.zeros((1, 1))
X = check_array(X)
Xs, Ts = broadcast_unit_treatments(X, self._d_t[0] + 1)
feat_arr = np.concatenate((Xs, Ts), axis=1)
prediction = self.overall_model.predict(feat_arr).reshape((-1, self._d_t[0] + 1,) + self._d_y)
if self._d_y:
prediction = transpose(prediction, (0, 2, 1))
taus = (prediction - np.repeat(prediction[:, :, 0], self._d_t[0] + 1).reshape(prediction.shape))[:, :, 1:]
taus = (prediction - np.repeat(prediction[:, 0], self._d_t[0] + 1).reshape(prediction.shape))[:, 1:]
return taus
[docs]class XLearner(TreatmentExpansionMixin, LinearCateEstimator):
"""Meta-algorithm proposed by Kunzel et al. that performs best in settings
where the number of units in one treatment arm is much larger than others.
models : outcome estimators for both control units and treatment units
It can be a single estimator applied to all the control and treatment units or a tuple/list of
estimators with one estimator per treatment (including control).
Must implement `fit` and `predict` methods.
cate_models : estimator for pseudo-treatment effects on control and treatments
It can be a single estimator applied to all the control and treatments or a tuple/list of
estimators with one estimator per treatment (including control).
If None, it will be same models as the outcome estimators.
Must implement `fit` and `predict` methods.
propensity_model : estimator for the propensity function
Must implement `fit` and `predict_proba` methods. The `fit` method must
be able to accept X and T, where T is a shape (n, ) array.
categories: 'auto' or list, default 'auto'
The categories to use when encoding discrete treatments (or 'auto' to use the unique sorted values).
The first category will be treated as the control treatment.
allow_missing: bool
Whether to allow missing values in X. If True, will need to supply models, cate_models, and
propensity_model that can handle missing values.
A simple example:
.. testcode::
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
.. testcode::
from econml.metalearners import XLearner
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
X = np.random.normal(size=(1000, 5))
T = np.random.binomial(1, scipy.special.expit(X[:, 0]))
y = (1 + .5*X[:, 0]) * T + X[:, 0] + np.random.normal(size=(1000,))
est = XLearner(models=LinearRegression())
est.fit(y, T, X=X)
>>> est.effect(X[:3])
array([0.58547..., 1.82860..., 0.78379...])
[docs] def __init__(self, *,
self.models = clone(models, safe=False)
self.cate_models = clone(cate_models, safe=False)
self.propensity_model = clone(propensity_model, safe=False)
self.categories = categories
self.allow_missing = allow_missing
def _gen_allowed_missing_vars(self):
return ['X'] if self.allow_missing else []
[docs] @BaseCateEstimator._wrap_fit
def fit(self, Y, T, *, X, inference=None):
"""Build an instance of XLearner.
Y : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, d_y)
Outcome(s) for the treatment policy.
T : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, 1)
Treatment policy. Only binary treatments are accepted as input.
T will be flattened if shape is (n, 1).
X : array_like, shape (n, d_x)
Feature vector that captures heterogeneity.
inference : str, :class:`.Inference` instance, or None
Method for performing inference. This estimator supports 'bootstrap'
(or an instance of :class:`.BootstrapInference`)
self : an instance of self.
# Check inputs
Y, T, X, _ = check_inputs(Y, T, X, multi_output_T=False,
force_all_finite_X='allow-nan' if 'X' in self._gen_allowed_missing_vars() else True)
if Y.ndim == 2 and Y.shape[1] == 1:
Y = Y.flatten()
categories = self.categories
if categories != 'auto':
categories = [categories] # OneHotEncoder expects a 2D array with features per column
self.transformer = one_hot_encoder(categories=categories, drop='first')
T = self.transformer.fit_transform(T.reshape(-1, 1))
self._d_t = T.shape[1:]
T = inverse_onehot(T)
self.models = check_models(self.models, self._d_t[0] + 1)
if self.cate_models is None:
self.cate_models = [clone(model, safe=False) for model in self.models]
self.cate_models = check_models(self.cate_models, self._d_t[0] + 1)
self.propensity_models = []
self.cate_treated_models = []
self.cate_controls_models = []
# Estimate response function
for ind in range(self._d_t[0] + 1):
self.models[ind].fit(X[T == ind], Y[T == ind])
for ind in range(self._d_t[0]):
self.cate_treated_models.append(clone(self.cate_models[ind + 1], safe=False))
self.cate_controls_models.append(clone(self.cate_models[0], safe=False))
self.propensity_models.append(clone(self.propensity_model, safe=False))
imputed_effect_on_controls = self.models[ind + 1].predict(X[T == 0]) - Y[T == 0]
imputed_effect_on_treated = Y[T == ind + 1] - self.models[0].predict(X[T == ind + 1])
self.cate_controls_models[ind].fit(X[T == 0], imputed_effect_on_controls)
self.cate_treated_models[ind].fit(X[T == ind + 1], imputed_effect_on_treated)
X_concat = np.concatenate((X[T == 0], X[T == ind + 1]), axis=0)
T_concat = np.concatenate((T[T == 0], T[T == ind + 1]), axis=0)
self.propensity_models[ind].fit(X_concat, T_concat)
[docs] def const_marginal_effect(self, X):
"""Calculate the constant marginal treatment effect on a vector of features for each sample.
X : matrix, shape (m × dₓ)
Matrix of features for each sample.
τ_hat : matrix, shape (m, d_y, d_t)
Constant marginal CATE of each treatment on each outcome for each sample X[i].
Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array,
the corresponding singleton dimensions in the output will be collapsed
X = check_array(X)
m = X.shape[0]
taus = []
for ind in range(self._d_t[0]):
propensity_scores = self.propensity_models[ind].predict_proba(X)[:, 1:]
tau_hat = propensity_scores * self.cate_controls_models[ind].predict(X).reshape(m, -1) \
+ (1 - propensity_scores) * self.cate_treated_models[ind].predict(X).reshape(m, -1)
taus = np.column_stack(taus).reshape((-1,) + self._d_t + self._d_y) # shape as of m*d_t*d_y
if self._d_y:
taus = transpose(taus, (0, 2, 1)) # shape as of m*d_y*d_t
return taus
[docs]class DomainAdaptationLearner(TreatmentExpansionMixin, LinearCateEstimator):
"""Meta-algorithm that uses domain adaptation techniques to account for
covariate shift (selection bias) among the treatment arms.
models : outcome estimators for both control units and treatment units
It can be a single estimator applied to all the control and treatment units or a tuple/list of
estimators with one estimator per treatment (including control).
Must implement `fit` and `predict` methods.
The `fit` method must accept the `sample_weight` parameter.
final_models : estimators for pseudo-treatment effects for each treatment
It can be a single estimator applied to all the control and treatment units or a tuple/list of
estimators with ones estimator per treatments (excluding control).
Must implement `fit` and `predict` methods.
propensity_model : estimator for the propensity function
Must implement `fit` and `predict_proba` methods. The `fit` method must
be able to accept X and T, where T is a shape (n, 1) array.
categories: 'auto' or list, default 'auto'
The categories to use when encoding discrete treatments (or 'auto' to use the unique sorted values).
The first category will be treated as the control treatment.
allow_missing: bool
Whether to allow missing values in X. If True, will need to supply models, final_models, and
propensity_model that can handle missing values.
A simple example:
.. testcode::
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
.. testcode::
from econml.metalearners import DomainAdaptationLearner
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
X = np.random.normal(size=(1000, 5))
T = np.random.binomial(1, scipy.special.expit(X[:, 0]))
y = (1 + .5*X[:, 0]) * T + X[:, 0] + np.random.normal(size=(1000,))
est = DomainAdaptationLearner(
est.fit(y, T, X=X)
>>> est.effect(X[:3])
array([0.51238..., 1.99864..., 0.68553...])
[docs] def __init__(self, *,
self.models = clone(models, safe=False)
self.final_models = clone(final_models, safe=False)
self.propensity_model = clone(propensity_model, safe=False)
self.categories = categories
self.allow_missing = allow_missing
def _gen_allowed_missing_vars(self):
return ['X'] if self.allow_missing else []
[docs] @BaseCateEstimator._wrap_fit
def fit(self, Y, T, *, X, inference=None):
"""Build an instance of DomainAdaptationLearner.
Y : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, d_y)
Outcome(s) for the treatment policy.
T : array_like, shape (n, ) or (n, 1)
Treatment policy. Only binary treatments are accepted as input.
T will be flattened if shape is (n, 1).
X : array_like, shape (n, d_x)
Feature vector that captures heterogeneity.
inference : str, :class:`.Inference` instance, or None
Method for performing inference. This estimator supports 'bootstrap'
(or an instance of :class:`.BootstrapInference`)
self : an instance of self.
# Check inputs
Y, T, X, _ = check_inputs(Y, T, X, multi_output_T=False,
force_all_finite_X='allow-nan' if 'X' in self._gen_allowed_missing_vars() else True)
categories = self.categories
if categories != 'auto':
categories = [categories] # OneHotEncoder expects a 2D array with features per column
self.transformer = one_hot_encoder(categories=categories, drop='first')
T = self.transformer.fit_transform(T.reshape(-1, 1))
self._d_t = T.shape[1:]
T = inverse_onehot(T)
self.models = check_models(self.models, self._d_t[0] + 1)
self.final_models = check_models(self.final_models, self._d_t[0])
self.propensity_models = []
self.models_control = []
self.models_treated = []
for ind in range(self._d_t[0]):
self.models_control.append(clone(self.models[0], safe=False))
self.models_treated.append(clone(self.models[ind + 1], safe=False))
self.propensity_models.append(clone(self.propensity_model, safe=False))
X_concat = np.concatenate((X[T == 0], X[T == ind + 1]), axis=0)
T_concat = np.concatenate((T[T == 0], T[T == ind + 1]), axis=0)
self.propensity_models[ind].fit(X_concat, T_concat)
pro_scores = self.propensity_models[ind].predict_proba(X_concat)[:, 1]
# Train model on controls. Assign higher weight to units resembling
# treated units.
self._fit_weighted_pipeline(self.models_control[ind], X[T == 0], Y[T == 0],
sample_weight=pro_scores[T_concat == 0] / (1 - pro_scores[T_concat == 0]))
# Train model on the treated. Assign higher weight to units resembling
# control units.
self._fit_weighted_pipeline(self.models_treated[ind], X[T == ind + 1], Y[T == ind + 1],
sample_weight=(1 - pro_scores[T_concat == ind + 1]) /
pro_scores[T_concat == ind + 1])
imputed_effect_on_controls = self.models_treated[ind].predict(X[T == 0]) - Y[T == 0]
imputed_effect_on_treated = Y[T == ind + 1] - self.models_control[ind].predict(X[T == ind + 1])
imputed_effects_concat = np.concatenate((imputed_effect_on_controls, imputed_effect_on_treated), axis=0)
self.final_models[ind].fit(X_concat, imputed_effects_concat)
[docs] def const_marginal_effect(self, X):
"""Calculate the constant marginal treatment effect on a vector of features for each sample.
X : matrix, shape (m × dₓ)
Matrix of features for each sample.
τ_hat : matrix, shape (m, d_y, d_t)
Constant marginal CATE of each treatment on each outcome for each sample X[i].
Note that when Y is a vector rather than a 2-dimensional array,
the corresponding singleton dimensions in the output will be collapsed
X = check_array(X)
taus = []
for model in self.final_models:
taus = np.column_stack(taus).reshape((-1,) + self._d_t + self._d_y) # shape as of m*d_t*d_y
if self._d_y:
taus = transpose(taus, (0, 2, 1)) # shape as of m*d_y*d_t
return taus
def _fit_weighted_pipeline(self, model_instance, X, y, sample_weight):
if not isinstance(model_instance, Pipeline):
model_instance.fit(X, y, sample_weight)
last_step_name = model_instance.steps[-1][0]
model_instance.fit(X, y, **{"{0}__sample_weight".format(last_step_name): sample_weight})
[docs] def shap_values(self, X, *, feature_names=None, treatment_names=None, output_names=None, background_samples=100):
return _shap_explain_model_cate(self.const_marginal_effect, self.final_models, X, self._d_t, self._d_y,
shap_values.__doc__ = LinearCateEstimator.shap_values.__doc__